Bodies of the registered association

The main bodies of the VDLUFA are the general meeting, the executive committee, the advisory board, the director’s conferences and the sections.


General meeting

The general meeting takes place once a year. Every personal member has the right to vote. Here, all issues which are not statutory or have to be settled via decisions of the executive committee are discussed. The primary tasks of the general meeting are as follows:

  • approval of the president’s annual report,
  • granting discharge of the president after approval of the activity report and accounts,
  • election of the president, the vice presidents, the members of the committee of conciliators and the auditors.

During the meetings, the members decide about any proposals concerning amendments to the statues as well as the liquidation of VDLUFA.


Executive committee

On the executive committee rests the guidance of the VDLUFA. The committee consists of the president, the vice presidents and three chairpersons of the sections.


Advisory board

The advisory board supports and monitors the VDLUFA in all strategic questions in order to serve the purpose of the association and promote its further development. It consists of a minimum of six and maximum of twelve members. The members represent institutions with professional ties to VDLUFA. These are especially federal ministries and federal authorities, state institutes of agriculture, chambers of agriculture, professional organisations, scientific associations or their umbrella organisations and consumer organisations.


Directors’ conference

The directors’ conference advises the VDLUFA executive committee and promotes the cooperation between the agricultural test and research institutes (LUFA). It promotes the consistent consulting of the state ministries regarding the agricultural analyses, especially with respect to the evaluation of test results. The members of the directors’ conference are heads of agricultural test and research institutes (LUFA) as well as heads of organisational units with functions of these institutes within a larger institution.



In order to fulfil the aims of VDLUFA, sections have been formed. They are organized according to their areas of operation. When special questions arise, working groups are generated within this structure. Every sections is led by a chairperson.