
VDLUFA comprises approximately 90 full members from:

  • Agricultural analytic and research institutes as well as organisational units that function as agricultural analytic and research institutes within a larger institution such as state institutes for agriculture or state laboratories [LUFA],
  • Centres for dairy science and vocational training,
  • Federal research institutes,
  • Universities and university colleges.

Only institutions under public ownership can apply fpr a full membership. Legal and natural persons who maintain their own agricultural test and research institutes which are not under public ownership may apply for associate membership.

Employees of full and associate members may become VDLUFA personal members. Employees of institutions under public ownership, wich are not member of VDLUFA, can apply for a free membership. Furthermore, VDLUFA appoints foreign professional colleagues as corresponding members to promote international cooperation and appoints outstanding sponsors of the association as honorary members.