Section IV: Seeds

Section IV consists of 48 colleagues coming from departments of investigation, research, consulting and seed companies.

Chief tasks of section IV are:

  • the screening, development, discussion, validation, documentation, implementation and application of standardised test methods for seeds,
  • the strengthening of member expertise, in particular by conducting workshops and comparative studies,
  • the exchange of experience and information between the members of the section in order to promote utilisation of new scientific findings,
  • the representation of German seed scientists and seed analysts in the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) and other international associations as well as the European Union,
  • the translation of the ISTA international rules for seed testing into German,
  • the scientific and technical counselling and monitoring of seed-oriented legislation.


1. Chairwoman: Dr. Elke Nitschke
Landesbetrieb Hessisches Landeslabor,
Abteilung Landwirtschaft und Umwelt
Am Versuchsfeld 11-13, 34128 Kassel
Tel.: +49.561.9888.153 – E-Mail:

2. Chairman: Dr. Sebastian Bopper
Universität Hohenheim, Saatgutwirtschaft und -technologie (350)
Fruwirthstraße 21, 70599 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49.711.4592217 – E-Mail: