The Feedstuff Analysis expert group currently consists of 167 colleagues who work at Agricultural Analysis and Research Institutes (LUFA), the State Institutes for Agriculture, Universities as in the feed and food industry.
Section VI considers it their chief task to achieve a common approach in the application of methods and the interpretation of analytical results in the field of feedstuff analysis.
To do so, the group members are active in the following areas:
The majority of the analytical work is performed within its nine working groups and project teams:
A very essential part of the work is the dense cooperation with VDLUFA Expert Group VIII “Environmental Analysis and Trace Analysis”.
1. Chairman: Dr. Johannes Moritz Bauer Landwirtschaftliches Technologiezentrum Augustenberg Neßlerstr. 25, 76227 Karlsruhe Tel.: +49.721.9468-262 – E-Mail:
Deputy Chairwomen: Dr. Sandra Hoedtke LMS Agrarberatung GmbH / LUFA Rostock Graf-Lippe-Straße 1, 18059 Rostock Tel.: +49.381.203070 – E-Mail: Dr. Saskia Kehraus Universität Bonn – Institut für Tierwissenschaften Endenicher Alle 15, 53115 Bonn Tel.: +49.228.73-2289 – E-Mail: