Detection of Pharmacologically Active Compounds by LC-MS/MS Working Group

In this working group, colleagues from organic analysis focus on the development of methods to detect traces (or the carry-over) of veterinary medicinal products in animal feedstuffs.
The group comprises 21 members from agricultural test and research institutes, from food control agencies and federal research centres in Germany.
In addition to the exchange of experience in general the working group focused on the development and validation of methods to detect the carry-over of coccidiostats and tetracyclines. The methods have been published in the VDLUFA Methods Book, volume III “Feedstuff Analysis“.
The group is currently making an effort to expand the assay method for tetracyclines to include compounds from the groups of sulfonamides, macrolides and lincosamides in order to more effectively comply with the requirements of the National Control Programs for Feed Safety by the BVL (Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety).


Chair: Ralf-Peter Bähr
Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft
Naumburger Straße 98, 07743 Jena, Germany
Phone: +49.3641.683.324   Fax: +49.3641.683.414